Statement on disruption to Budget Meeting

STATEMENT FROM TOWER HAMLETS LABOUR GROUP: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 29/2/24 The Tower Hamlets Labour Group condemns the abuse and chaos that plagued last night’s budget meeting. We are deeply disturbed that it took the council’s female councillors to threaten to leave the meeting before action was taken against individuals who had persistently disrupted proceedings with […]

Tomorrow’s Budget meeting and update on Best Value Inspection

From Cllr Marc Francis, Bow East, Labour Two years ago, Lutfur Rahman made a bold promise to not to raise Council Tax if he was elected as Mayor of Tower Hamlets.  In Labour’s camp people were incredulous.  In the wake of Lutfur Rahman’s removal from office in 2015, Labour’s Mayor, John Biggs had had to both raise […]

Statement on comments made by Paul Scully MP

Councillor Sirajul Islam, Leader of Tower Hamlets Labour group said:  “It says something about the state of the modern Conservative Party that its MPs feel comfortable parroting the type of comments made by far-right extremists. There aren’t any “no-go” areas in our borough and if Mr Scully feels like he can only condemn the Islamophobic […]

Statement from THLG Leader on Ceasefire vote

On October 24th, 2023, Tower Hamlets Labour councillors wrote to Keir Starmer MP, calling on the Labour Party to back an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. In the 120 days since, the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli military operations has risen to 29,000, with many more injured. The majority of these casualties have […]

Mayor Lutfur Rahman Breaks Council Tax Manifesto Promise

Residents of Tower Hamlets are facing severe financial strain as Mayor Lutfur Rahman backtracks on his key manifesto promise to freeze council tax. He is enacting a substantial increase, forcing households to pay an additional 4.99% annually[1], during a time of severe economic hardship. Over three years, this totals a staggering extra cost of £517.71 […]

Labour councillors slam Mayor Rahman’s plan to ‘Privatise’ Victoria Park

The Labour group of councillors in Tower Hamlets, have strongly criticised Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s decision to amend the Major Events Policy for Victoria Park, which would allow two extra major events to take place in the park each year and increase the capacity threshold for a large event from 5,000 to 20,000 people. This will […]


PRESS RELEASE 21 November 2023 For immediate release Local Labour Leader Cllr Sirajul Islam has written to Chancellor Jeremy Hunt demanding that he delivers a fair deal for Tower Hamlets in the upcoming Autumn Statement. The letter comes ahead of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement on 22nd November 2023, in which he will set out the […]